Hypnobirthing KG
Not just for hippies! Hypnobirthing is about education, information, empowerment, relaxation. It helps you to enjoy your pregnancy and bond with your baby. Understanding and knowing your birth rights and enjoying making informed choices right for you and your baby. I actively encourage birth partners to be involved with the sessions. We explore birth plans, your own experiences and help remove fear that maybe linked to giving birth.
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a childbirth preparation method that utilizes relaxation techniques, visualization, and self-hypnosis to help expectant mothers achieve a calmer and more positive birthing experience. It aims to reduce anxiety, enhance self-confidence, and empower women to take control of their birthing process.
By using positive wording and relaxations, breathing techniques and massage staying relaxed helps you to be in control of your birth. We explore the science behind birth and ways to keep the birth environment high on oxytocin.
“I found hypnobirthing helped me to understand the birth process and be able to relax and enjoy my baby bump.”
Sessions are also personal to you, this isn't the same a digital download or group session, I provide hypnobirthing to suit your own birth preferences/journey.
Q- Do I have to have a Vaginal birth to use hypnobirthing? No! this is for any type of birth, your birth, your baby, your body. I can work in different birth types and plans to suit your needs,
Q- What do I need to do after the class? PRACTICE it really only works if you spend the time practicing. Read the book KG Hypnobirthing and enjoy your pregnancy.
Q- Can hypnobirthing really reduce pain? Yes, we learn about the pain cycles and how to support the pain element of birth, powerful surges can be managed by these type of breathing techniques and understanding the process.
"I'm actually looking forward to the birth now instead of feeling worried and anxious, so thank you for all your guidance and hypnobirthing class"
I have been involved with Hypnobirthing both personally and professionally and 'in my opinion' it's just amazing if you read some of the birth stories and reviews about the powers of hypnobirthing, no matter what type of birth you have it really can help.
“Hypnobirthing enabled me to trust in my body”
I am able to tailor my packages for your needs and offer 121 sessions in your own home, with recordings of the scripts to do in your own time including an emailed hypnobirthing booklet.
To find out more about Katherine Graves hypnobirthing have a look at the website:
“I felt calm, empowered and confident that I actually had control over birthing and it wasn't just something that was going to 'happen' to me!”
Benefits of Hypnobirthing
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Hypnobirthing helps alleviate anxiety and fear associated with childbirth, promoting a more relaxed and peaceful birthing experience.
Enhanced Self-Efficacy: By empowering women with knowledge and techniques, hypnobirthing boosts self-confidence and belief in their ability to navigate labour effectively.
Reduced Need for Medical Interventions: Studies suggest that hypnobirthing can reduce the need for epidurals, synthetic oxytocin, and other medical interventions.
Positive Birth Experience: Hypnobirthing aims to foster a positive and empowering birthing experience, allowing women to focus on the joy of welcoming their child into the world.
Enhanced Bonding with Baby: A positive birthing experience can positively impact the mother-child bond and overall well-being.
mini sessions and refreshers are also available these are brilliant if you have already done a hypnobirthing course before.
Full sessions- £220 around 6 hours - plus a home learning pack, relaxations, videos and links to explore your own choices. I'm also available to answer any questions that come up after our sessions.
mini session, refresher -£80 around 2 hours
(Mileage over 10 miles to be added to the cost at 45p a mile, the Magic comes for free)
Email mamamagickat@gmail.co.uk to book or use the contact button below.
-Hypnobirthing helped me prioritise time to slow down and breathe when I was pregnant with my second.
Using the power of visuations, scripts, music, affirmations and breathing techniques to provide a higher state of relaxation.
Providing education about birth, what to expect, birth time lines, birth choices, your rights, birth partner roles and planning.
fear relase
Unpicking the fears and helping to reduce them by using the techniques in hypnobirthing. Exploring your own fears.
Helping you to feel in control and empowered to ask questions and find answers. Birth partners to feel able to advocate for you and understand why.